Closing a Renter's Mailbox

When a customer’s mailbox is no longer in use, it’s crucial to ensure it is fully closed to prevent any unnecessary charges. Here’s how to do it:

CLOSE (Unassign) the Mailbox:

1. Open the BizBoxCenter web application on your device.

2. Tap ‘Renter‘ at the bottom of your screen to start.

3. Click the related renter from the list.

4. Click the ‘Three Dots‘ which is the ‘More’ icon on the top left, then select ‘Close Mailbox‘.

Additional Information:

Viewing the Added Renter List:

The ‘Renter’ page provides a comprehensive list of all registered renters, allowing mail center staff to quickly find and reference renter information.

Editing Entries:

To make any amendments, click ‘Edit’ adjacent to the renter’s entry. Be aware that specific details, including the assigned date, time, and renter ID, are locked after entry to preserve the accuracy of the records.

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